
About Commercial Building Insurance

Solid Savings on Trusted Cover

Customised to exactly what you need at the best price negotiated! And best of all, know you're protected.

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We Work for You,
Not the Insurer

Get unbiased, expert insurance advice to know what you need to be protected. And, when your insurance matters most, have an advocate that fights for you in a claim.

Start a Quote today, and get broker-negotiated quotes in as little as 60 minutes.

Daniel Roussounis
Account Director
Saskia Van Oostveen
Account Manager
Cyndie Vockler
Account Manager
Jim Kasper
Account Manager
Renay Nielsen
Broker Assistant

We Work for You,
Not the Insurer

Get unbiased, expert insurance advice to know what you need to be protected. And, when your insurance matters most, have an advocate that fights for you in a claim.

Start a Quote today, and get 10 broker-negotiated quotes in as little as 60 minutes.

The Best Deal in Insurance*

*We believe so anyway. Negotiated policy wording and pricing to save you thousands, and even more saved with reduced broker fee on the first year!

Unbiased Expert Advice

You're our #1 priority. We stand by our advice - something not all brokers or insurers do. You'll understand the policy you need and exactly how it protects you.

Daniel Roussounis
Account Director
Saskia Van Oostveen
Account Manager
Cyndie Vockler
Account Manager
Jim Kasper
Account Manager
Renay Nielsen
Broker Assistant

The Best Deal in Insurance

*We believe so anyway. Negotiated policy wording and pricing to save you thousands, and even more saved with no broker fee on the first year!

Unbiased Expert Advice

You're our #1 priority. We stand by our advice - something not all brokers or insurers do. You'll understand what you need and exactly how it protects you.

The Verdict? We Get our Clients Better Deals!

"Great service - highly recommended. Daniel was highly professional and very personable. Was able to secure us a great deal. Thanks Daniel."

A Raks

"Saskia from the Bundaberg office has amazed me with the insurance support provided to us on a personal level and for our Businesses! Highly recommend Saskia for all your insurance needs."

Kylie Johnson

"Jim was able to negotiate a much lower premium than my previous insurer (with better cover). His advice and communication was clear and straightforward. Highly recommend his service."

Jen Gower

"I had Daniel helping with my insurance, he was very professional and took the time to find the best cover for the best value. Old fashion service that is hard to find."

Jamie O'loughlin

Securing you Better Deals with Better Insurers

The best deal negotiated across a network of 150+ insurers. And remember, we always work for you, not the insurer.

Commercial Building Insurance

Want to Cut Costs, Not Coverage?

Get the best commercial building insurance negotiated for you. Save thousands and gain an expert advisor. Start a quote today and save even more with a reduced broker fee on the first year.

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© 2024 Commercial Building Insurance is a trading name of Consolidated Insurances Central QLD Pty Ltd which is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Consolidated Insurances Pty Ltd. AFSL344 121. All rights reserved.